Following are the most frequently asked questions about the Marriott Centralized Group Commission payment direct deposit program:
If you are already receiving group commission payments electronically, you are not required to sign up for the direct deposit program again. You may view your current direct deposit settings by selecting “View/Modify Direct Deposit Information”.
The initial direct deposit request process typically takes up to 10 business days. You should check the direct deposit status 10-14 days after submitting the initial request. The first commission payment will be remitted to your U.S. bank account approximately 45 days after the event end date and an email confirmation will be sent each time a direct deposit payment is made. If direct deposit payments are not received after that time, log back in to check the status and correct the banking information, if needed, and resubmit the request. If there are any questions, contact Intermediary Partner Care at 1-800-445-1551, option 3.
It will take approximately 21 days to confirm any change in banking information and to continue direct deposit.
When an account is closed, some banks continue to allow deposits. In other cases, deposits are routed to a new account for a short period of time or transactions are stopped completely. If your bank does not accept direct deposits after an account is closed, Marriott will be notified, and we will generate your commission payments by check. Update the new bank account information in Manage Direct Deposit. As soon as your new direct deposit information is confirmed by your bank, Marriott will resume commission payment by direct deposit.
The commission system displays direct deposit options based on the pre-selected currency preference registered with IATA. If you automatically see the U.S. Banking Direct Deposit Form, your IATA preference is currently set for payment in U.S. dollars.
Update or make changes to the bank account and contact information associated with your direct deposit account. Modifications to your commissions preferences will take approximately 21 days to be processed.